You want to take care
of your mental health?

Are you a worker or entrepreneur looking for psychological help? Perhaps you just want to be better equipped mentally? Find exactly what you need among the resources available on our platform.

Holistic reflection

Coping with the loss of a colleague: A moment of life to experience together

Losing a colleague, for whatever reason, is an ordeal that affects every team member differently.

Daring to go light in 2025 - Keys to cultivating your mental equilibrium

Dareing to go light in 2025 - Keys to cultivating your mental equilibrium The transition from one year to the next is...

Polyvagal theory (TPV), understanding our inner states

I feel anxious, stressed, appalled, afraid. What's going on inside me? I don't understand myself anymore, I...

Trauma in the body

Trauma is much more than a significant event. It represents the lasting impact that a shock leaves on a person, often well after the event...

The Story of the Perfect Person who Forgot her Dreams: Soul Awakening Through Sickness

In the beginning : ''Say Mom, why am I here on this Earth? Says Mom, why don't you have time to play...

Ah! These emotions that I want to control!

Do you think controlling our emotions is good or bad? Are they our friends or enemies? Emotions...

Using the body and subtle energy to heal ailments

Somatic Work & Energy Healing « The modern individual is committed to being successful, not to being a person. He...

Exploring the links between Human Design and emotional well-being

What is Human Design? It's a mindfulness tool based on your energies. It's based on...

Anchoring: Techniques for staying present and centered

Have you ever had those moments of doubt, when you wonder if you've closed the door on...

Another facet (among many others) of yoga

Did you know that yoga isn't just about asanas (postures)? Indeed, the practice of asanas is part of yoga, but...

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