You want to take care
of your mental health?

Are you a worker or entrepreneur looking for psychological help? Perhaps you just want to be better equipped mentally? Find exactly what you need among the resources available on our platform.

at your service

We are pleased to announce that the services offered on this page are the result of close collaboration with like-minded people. They want to offer you the best possible rates and flexible payment options to support you on your journey.


Our Associates

We are proud to work with committed people and companies to provide you with cost-effective services.

Would you like to be among them?


Synergia Web

  • About us
  • Their mission
  • Their vision
  •  My name is Pierre-Yves, and I've been a consultant in the integration of online tools and resources for almost 20 years.

    My first interaction with a computer was on a chess board (Battle Chess). That's how I discovered a new game and could learn more about it. I was 5 years old.

    À 11 ans, j’ai découvert internet, celui qu’on ne pouvait utiliser qu’en occupant la ligne du téléphone et que télécharger de la musique pouvait prendre des heures. Mon interaction principale était avec les forums de discussion.

    In France, forums were extremely popular and already enabled people to learn lots of things, including how to create their own forum, use it to interact with people with different skills like graphic design, programming and so on.

    After years of learning all sorts of things and years of study in another field, followed by a certificate in web accessibility, I started offering my services as a virtual assistant.

    Today, it's a pleasure to share my knowledge and experience.

  • The one that's always talking about tools. Whether for personal or professional needs, for small details or big projects, there are always online solutions to improve everyday life.

    I'm committed to providing the information you need to choose the right tools and resources to help you reach your full potential. I am passionate about my work and believe in the value of each individual.

    I'm here to help you find YOUR solutions in the workplace and achieve YOUR goals YOUR way.

  • I'm as much a dreamer as I am a realist. I'm as capable of being optimistic to aim high as I am of being pragmatic to get there in a reasonable way. I appreciate everyone's passions and strengths. It's a pleasure to find ways to propel everyone forward in their own way.

    I understand how difficult it can be to have an idea but feel that you can't bring it to life. I also believe that a well-supported person can always go further. Your project deserves to be encouraged by the presence of tools and resources useful to your situation. You'll often be offered miracle solutions, but in reality, there are so many possible solutions that it's easy to get lost. I'm here to help you make informed choices.

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Les services offerts

Synergie Web

Integration and Optimization

Enhance the impact of your online presence with our web integration and optimization services. Our know-how enables us to ensure harmony between your content and your platform, while optimizing your site's performance.

Web support

Maintenance and Plugins

Ensure your website's stability and optimum performance with our maintenance and plugin management services. Our team takes care of updates, monitoring and resolving technical issues, to keep your site running smoothly.


Accessibility and CSS

Deliver an inclusive, visually appealing web experience with our accessibility services and CSS visual tweaks for WordPress. We make sure your site is accessible to all users by implementing accessibility-compliant enhancements.



  • About us
  • Their mission
  • Their vision
  • We are the only Quebec-based group ofcommunity organizations specifically dedicated to mental health promotion and prevention.

    We want to equip the people of Quebec to develop and strengthen their mental health, and turn it into a collective and social project.

  • Promotion and prevention in mental health.

    Encourage people to consider mental health and individual and collective empowerment as inseparable components of health.

    To equip the population of Quebec so that everyone can maintain and improve their mental health and make it a collective and social project. 

    To act as a rallying force for mental health promotion among member organizations, by encouraging exchanges, the sharing of experience and expertise, and the creation of joint projects.

    Exercise leadership in concerting and uniting the forces involved in mental health promotion and prevention.

  • That individuals and communities have the capacity and resources to maintain and improve their mental health.

    We believe that improving the overall health of the population means taking action at the individual, social, structural and political levels. In particular, it means influencing the social determinants of health, as well as the protective and developmental factors in mental health.

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Services, tools and campaigns

Resources for your workplaces

  • Conferences and workshops
  • Member services
  • Member organizations
  • Mental health first aid training

A ton of resources!


Tools available for everyone and on all subjects.

All the tools developed by the Mouvement Santé mentale Québec - posters, leaflets, animation sheets, webinars and more - can be consulted and downloaded.

Annual campaigns


Every year since 2016, the Mouvement Santé mentale Québec has spotlighted one of the world's leading 7 tips that help maintain good individual and collective mental health.

On March 13, during the National Positive Mental Health Promotion Day that the Mouvement Santé mentale Québec launches its annual campaigns.


Catherine Goulet - Sexual health therapist

  • About us
  • Their mission
  • Their vision
  • Catherine Goulet is a sexual health therapist who graduated from UQAM in 2022 with a bachelor's degree in sexology. She also holds 3 university certificates, in psychology, social sciences and educational intervention in family and community settings (2012-2016).

    She is passionate about sexual pain and genital pain outside the sexual context experienced by people with female genitalia, as it is part of her own sexual history and she sees a great deal of sexual, relational and emotional distress in people who struggle with this type of issue.

    Investigative, proactive and intellectually curious, combined with an insatiable thirst for learning, she has a wealth of knowledge about women's global health.

  • Catherine helps people with female genitalia to better understand and overcome their sexual pain, and to regain control over their bodies and their sexuality. To this end, she offers an intensive support service specific to sexual pain.

  • Catherine's aim is to become the benchmark for women who want to experience sexual fulfillment in a respectful, caring, pleasurable and, above all, pain-free way.

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She offers two types of low-cost services

Intensive virtual support specifically for sexual pain


Intensive support for people with female genitalia living with chronic sexual pain; ideal for people living with signs and symptoms of conditions such as vaginismus, vestibulodynia, dyspareunia, endometriosis, bacterial vaginosis or recurrent mycosis, vaginitis, etc.

In short, anything likely to cause sexual pain lasting longer than 3 months.

Virtual consultation services in sexological counselling


For people living with sexual, intimate, relationship or mental health challenges such as: low libido, chronic stress affecting sexuality, difficulty achieving orgasm, wanting to get out of a toxic relationship, emotional dependency, low self-esteem, having survived sexual assault, etc.

Please schedule a free 30-minute pre-assessment appointment.

Note: Catherine works with the Zoom platform for all consultation meetings.

For information, you can also contact her at the following e-mail address:


  • About us
  • The mission
  • The vision
  • To make resources for mothers more accessible, ReposPourMamana web portal that brings together a number of Quebec-based service companies and non-profit organizations dedicated to the well-being of mothers, wants to make itself known to the general public as a second wind for moms! Founder Joanie Belzile believes that all moms, in their uniqueness, are exceptional. And that by bringing together all the resources for moms available in Quebec, we can make a real difference, so that every mom can find her own happiness.

  • Launched in 2020, ReposPourMaman's mission is to simplify and beautify the daily lives of moms by introducing them to different resources so they can easily find help, support and guidance. It currently features over 100 businesses and non-profit organizations across Quebec.

  • As the mother of four children aged 2, 4, 9 and 11, Joanie Belzile is well aware of the ups and downs of motherhood, as well as the exhaustion and isolation it can bring. Despite her optimistic and passionate nature, always with a million projects in mind, the reality of motherhood hit her hard. As did her difficulty in finding the right resources to lighten and embellish her daily life, especially as she was short of time and energy. In short, motherhood changed her life completely. She realized the importance of asking for help, finding her balance and taking care of herself, in order to find her own happiness. After finally getting back on her feet, she had a deep desire to support moms. And so ReposPourMaman was born.

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Services throughout Québec

A second wind for moms!

The web platform brings together numerous companies and non-profit organizations committed to the well-being of mothers.


Easily find help, support and accompaniment resources available in Quebec.

A showcase for businesses, self-employed workers and organizations


You offer quality products and services for mothers, women, children and families whatever your field of expertise?

Display yourself on the web platform and be referenced among Quebec moms.

Self-help community

" Being self-employed sometimes makes me feel a bit lonely... That's why I joined ReposPourMaman: I much prefer walking together. "

Anita Huber


  • About us
  • Their mission
  • Their vision
  • Born in the wake of the transition that led to Québec en Forme to become M361, 100º's mission was to continue mobilizing and engaging young Quebecers in the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits. But the organization quickly broadened its scope of activities to support the deployment of the Politique gouvernementale de prévention en santé adopted in 2017.

    Thanks to the financial support of the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services, 100º continues to bring together and support the various players involved in implementing community health projects.

  • Gathered around the values of mutual aid and sharing, the 100° community brings together people who are committed, mobilized and working to transform Quebec communities to make them more favorable to human and environmental health.

  • Community gardens, childcare centers, schools, municipal recreation areas, intergenerational meeting places...: members of the 100° community are everywhere, wherever they have the power to influence collective health. Always on the lookout for best practices, new trends and the latest knowledge, they are fuelled by social innovation and work tirelessly for the collective well-being.

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Why join the 100° community?

High-quality content

In a variety of formats (articles, conferences, webinars, online courses...), created to encourage action and the realization of structuring and innovative projects.

Extensive network of ambassadors

Extensive network of ambassadors ready to share their expertise.

Networking events and collaborative workshops

Networking events and collaborative workshops.


Funding to encourage innovative initiatives.


Martha: Reiki & Healing
for the Heart

  • About us
  • Their mission
  • Their vision
  • What is Reiki?
    Reiki is a Japanese energetic treatment involving the laying on of hands on the body with the aim of harmonizing the person's energy flow, releasing tension and restoring balance to the immune/nervous/sympathetic system. I combine this approach with somatic work where the client is guided into body awareness, either through breathing, sound, movement or other exercises that facilitate a « rewiring » or "reconnecting" of all parts of the body-mind-emotional-subtle. In a society dominated by stress and anxiety, depression and burn-out, my intention is to create a « safe » space where people can bring themselves fully as they are and be welcomed with compassion, love and non-judgment. My vision is based on listening to others and gradually guiding them towards greater freedom, well-being, relaxation and space to exist.

  • Reiki Grand Master, yogi, teacher, coach, lover of the whole human being, I've been working in the field of well-being and mental/emotional health for around 10 years. My company's mission is to accompany people who are on a path of consciousness and/or in transition in their lives to unblock stuck energies in the body, to regain mobility and flexibility in their vital energy, to reconnect with their essence of joy, love, peace and tranquility. The aim is to realign our being with our deepest values, to let go of what prevents us from moving forward and being ourselves, to establish healthy relationships with others, and to develop personal tools for regulating the nervous system.

  • Why energy/somatic work?
    We live in a world, in North America, governed by the head, the mind, the ego - and we often neglect what's going on in our bodies, the energetic imprints, the memories that dwell in us from childhood of which we are only dimly aware. Yet more and more, we're discovering that energy therapies that focus on the body are important for unblocking energies and uncovering beliefs that dwell deep within our unconscious and subtle energy. 

    What is subtle energy?
    At the cellular level, in our organs, our nervous system, our aura (or the energy we emanate - our radiance) lies our energy system. The rishis/yogis in India called this energy the chakras, and although 7 are studied in depth in the literature, we are made up of millions or even trillions of chakras throughout our bodies. These energy centers can be in harmony or disharmony, and we're not always aware of their presence or alignment, just as we're not always aware of the emotions latent within us. Have I accumulated anger or sadness, and where does it reside in my body? Have I developed a belief based on my repressed emotions - for example, that 'I don't have the right to express my anger' or 'my needs are disturbing' etc.?

    Towards a path of consciousness
    Energy work and my mixed approach of Reiki, somatic therapy and compassionate listening enable us to become aware of the subtle energy within us and to bring memories and blockages to the surface in order to regain balance in the body (physical-emotional-subtle-spiritual). The root cause of problems/imbalances is directly addressed, not the symptoms.

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Martha's services

Reiki treatment

Purely energetic session on the table with laying on of hands to relax the nervous system and recharge the body.



Follow-up sessions with the client to accompany them on their path of awareness/healing. Includes: active listening to the problem and reading of the body, movement and/or sound, exercises, breathing and laying on of hands. At once psychological, emotional, somatic and energetic, these sessions enable us to observe the client's evolution from session to session, and to create tools that will be useful on a daily basis.

I teach Reiki levels 1, 2 and 3 (up to Reiki Master) where students learn to use the Reiki source on themselves and/or others.


  • About us
  • Their mission
  • Their vision
  • Hello, I'm Sandrine, the coach who whispers in the ear of houses to help you become aware of what your home reflects of your state of Being and free yourself from any blockages.

    I've changed my home almost as often as I've changed my look, yet, according to my mother, from a very early age I said I wanted to « help people .

    It's true that I've always said that if a Genie asked me to choose a superpower, I would have taken « guérir les gens ». In the end, my superpower is to decode the messages of the houses to help people understand themselves better and find peace of mind... And I like that.

    I have a lively, creative mind that enables me to quickly make connections and find unusual solutions. Not all ideas are exceptional, but most open up new horizons to explore.

    Over the course of time, training, personal and professional experience, my passion for the human being and symbolic therapy have led me to develop the Harmonic Design which supports my practice as a conscious planning coach.

  • HarmoniesD&Co's mission is to making housing work for people, for a home that takes care of you.

    Thanks to the pillars of Harmonic Design : 

    • REVEAL : Become aware of what already exists. 
    • FLUIDIFY : Freeing up space, mind and heart. 
    • COCREATE: Assisting with kindness. 
    • CONNECT : Follow the voice/way of the heart. 
    • HARMONIZE : Adapt to YOUR reality.
  • My goal is to make Harmonic Design a recognized therapeutic support tool for mental health, as psychoanalyst Dr Alberto Eiguer puts it: “Home is in continuity with our self-esteem and everything that connects us to our vital essence.”

    Par ses valeurs centrées sur l’Humain, la créativité, la cocréation, l’écosystèmie interne et externe, je vous accompagne à reconnecter à votre « in-life » en harmonisant vos espaces de vie.

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Low-cost services

One-off consultation 3h00 (virtual) 

You want to regain control of your environment, find lightness, time, space and why not have more money...

Without really knowing what or how to do, you feel that a helping hand would be enough to get you started.

This virtual meeting with you and your home will enable me to guide you through the steps and advice you need to lighten your mental load and rediscover the lightness of everyday life.

12-week private coaching (virtual)

Combining design, decluttering, interior harmonization and personal development. Weekly 1:00 virtual coaching sessions give you the tools and support you need to understand, release blockages and take action.

An initial 2:00 needs assessment meeting, followed by 11 weekly 1:00 meetings

Every treatment begins with a 30-minute discovery call.