You want to take care
of your mental health?

Are you a worker or entrepreneur looking for psychological help? Perhaps you just want to be better equipped mentally? Find exactly what you need among the resources available on our platform.

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Join the board of directors of My Web Hub

My Web Hub is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide free access to...

Webinar: Grow up your life - Launch of the exclusive program for ambitious women - Ines Zongo

Kick-off workshop to discover the “Grow up your life” program, designed to support women in their...

New doors open for us with AG Solutions Subventions

My Web Hub is delighted to announce its new partnership with AG Solutions Subventions, a key player in the field of...

Manifestation of transgenerational abundance on the professionnal front : workshop by Inès Zongo

In a world where professional success is often perceived as the fruit of individual effort, it is essential to recognize...

Self-confidence workshop with Anik Montpetit, self-confidence activator and mentor

Do you sometimes feel lacking in self-confidence? Join us on Thursday, September 24, 2024 at 12:00...

My Web Hub officially becomes a charity!

We are delighted to announce that My Web Hub is officially registered as a charity, a significant milestone that...

My Web Hub endorses ASPQ's “Slow down” project manifesto

We are delighted to announce that My Web Hub has joined the Manifesto for the Creation of Workplaces...

Plongez au coeur de votre identité : Atelier transformateur avec Véronique Fanard !

Rejoignez-nous jeudi 12 septembre à partir de midi pour une exploration profonde et enrichissante de votre identité authentique. Animé par...

Bien utiliser la plateforme Mon Carrefour Web : Votre guide en 5 étapes vers des ressources accessibles en santé mentale

1. Qu'est-ce que Mon Carrefour Web ? Mon Carrefour Web est une plateforme en ligne dédiée à l'information, au soutien...

Guérison des traumatismes intergénérationnels et équilibre travail-vie personnelle : conférence transformative avec Inès Zongo

Dans notre quête d'un épanouissement personnel et professionnel, il est essentiel de reconnaître l'impact profond que les traumatismes intergénérationnels peuvent...