
How to identify and manage narcissists at work: A 5-step guide for entrepreneurs and workers
Narcissists at work: a challenge that many entrepreneurs and workers encounter on a regular basis. Their egocentric behaviour, their need for...

The importance of self-compassion at work
At work, we're often quick to show compassion for our colleagues when they're going through a difficult time...

Restoring balance: 5 ways to respect your limits after a burnout
“The greatest secret to happiness is to feel good about yourself." - Bernard Fontenelle I'm fighting against...

Grades are a scam, so what can you do?
First, I got as much A+ as C-, passing through some F. Yet, with hindsight, I...

How can you set clear, measurable corporate objectives while preserving your mental health?
Setting clear, measurable business objectives is critical to the success of a company. However, this can often be a key factor in achieving...

Cultivating strong relationships with suppliers suppliers for successful management
In the dynamic environment of online commerce, effective supplier relationship management is essential to ensure a successful...

How better managing your productivity can improve your mental health
As a web entrepreneur, you're often faced with tight deadlines, multiple tasks and a...

How to deal with toxicity and conflict in your business environment as an entrepreneur
As a web entrepreneur, you face many challenges in your professional environment. Among them, the toxicity...

5 tips for dealing with the stress and anxiety of starting an online business
Starting an online business can be exciting, but it can also be very stressful and anxiety-provoking. It's normal to...

6 steps to setting clear, healthy boundaries with customers and partners
In the business world, it's essential to establish clear, healthy boundaries with customers and partners....
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