You want to take care
of your mental health?

Are you a worker or entrepreneur looking for psychological help? Perhaps you just want to be better equipped mentally? Find exactly what you need among the resources available on our platform.


Coping with the loss of a colleague: A moment of life to experience together

Losing a colleague, for whatever reason, is an ordeal that affects every team member differently.

Recognition at work, a must

Recognition in the workplace is much more than just a human resources management practice; it's an essential ingredient for...

Join the board of directors of My Web Hub

My Web Hub is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide free access to...

When speed is required at work: understanding psychological reactions

In a professional world where speed is often synonymous with productivity, it is essential to understand the psychological impact of...

Perfectionism is Ruining my Mental Health at Work

Perfectionism is often perceived as a positive quality, synonymous with rigor and excellence. However, when it becomes excessive, it can...

Our Relationship with Time or How to Develop a Better Vision of it

Time is a precious commodity in our modern lives. Between our work, our social commitments and everyday tasks,...

My Web Hub endorses ASPQ's “Slow down” project manifesto

We are delighted to announce that My Web Hub has joined the Manifesto for the Creation of Workplaces...

Protecting your mental health at work: 8 psychology-based strategies

Mental health in the workplace is a crucial issue for the well-being of employees (including executives and managers) and...

How to identify and manage narcissists at work: A 5-step guide for entrepreneurs and workers

Narcissists at work: a challenge that many entrepreneurs and workers encounter on a regular basis. Their egocentric behaviour, their need for...

The importance of self-compassion at work

At work, we're often quick to show compassion for our colleagues when they're going through a difficult time...

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